
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Chocodot Bar

CHOCODOT Chocolate with Dodol Garut, using packaging Garut City tourism information.
The purpose of CHOCODOT is to enrich the Garut's culinary and can lift the image of traditional foods, so it can worldwide. Cause CHOCODOT Chocolate contents Dodol FIRST in WORLD ...

Parahyangan's Mountains Edition
There are 5 mountains at Garut that used in Chocodot packaging Bar 100gr Mountain Edition:
1. Gunung Haruman, dark chocolate with dodol
2. Gunung Talaga Bodas, white chocolate with dodol
3. Gunung Papandayan, milk chocolate with dodol cokelat
4. Gunung Cikuray, milk chocolate with dodol keju
5. Gunung Guntur, milk chocolate with dodol susu

Special Editions
2 Special  EditionBar 100gr yaitu:
1. Jeruk Garut, dark chocolate with dodol buah jeruk
2. Candi Cangkuang, dark chocolate with aneka dodol

Cipanas Edition
Packaging Bar 40gr :
1. Cipanas Black, dark chocolate with dodol
2. Cipanas White, white chocolate with dodol
3. Cipanas Brown, milk chocolate with dodol
4. Cipanas Yellow, dark chocolate with dodol buah jeruk

Sampireun Editions
Packagings Bar 60gr:
1. Sampireun Black, dark chocolate with dodol
2. Sampireun Brown, milk chocolate with dodol
3. Sampireun White, white chocolate with dodol

Chocodot National Editions Bar 60gr
1. Keong Mas TMII Jakarta, dark chocolate with dodol
2. Borobudur Magelang Jawa Tengah, milk chocolate with dodol
3. Tugu Suro dan Boyo Surabaya Jawa Timur, white chocolate with dodol
4. Tugu Jogja DIY, dark and milk chocolate with dodol
5. Bedugul Bali, dark and white chocolate with dodol
6. Gedung Sate Bandung Jawa Barat, marble chocolate with dodol

Besek Edition
Praline with dodol inside olso made with cool package and packed in Besek Garut 6x10gr and exclusive box package with content 6x15gr and 12x15gr

Cangkuang Box Editions
This edition is include in special edition with present one of Garut tourism information, Cangkuang Temple, this edition is present in 2 packages: Box 6, and Box 12:


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